Project Review Request Project Business Information Please complete the form below:Your DetailsFirst Name* Last Name* Email* MobilePlease include your country code.Token & Business InformationName of PROJECT Business Website Country where business is incorporated What is the technology focus of the project? Do you accept capital from US residents?* Yes No Do you perform AML/KYC checks before accepting funds?* Yes No What best describes where you are in the fund raising process?*Please selectWe have not received money from any equity investors, nor made token sales.We are looking for equity investors.We are looking for equity investors to finance a token sale.We are launching a private sale shortly.We are currently having a private sale.We are planning a private sales in the futureWe are planning to launch a token sale shortly.We are currently doing a token sale.We have just completed a token saleWe completed a token sale some time ago and need more capital.How much capital has been raised? (if any)* Brief description of the problem the business is solving or the main reason you are building this company.*Team MembersNameRoleEmailLinkedIn Page URL GDPR* I confirm that I have read and agree to Panxora Terms & Conditions and privacy policy. CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.