Did you see this coming? I didn’t!

It’s been some time since I felt that I had something worth taking time for in a post. But that’s what risk management is like. Long periods of watching the markets. Then the models change their view, test the waters, commit to that change. Then you, as the investor need to wait and see what happens.
Today I want to talk about Cardano because until September 6 I was staking 99% of my holding, leaving about 100 tokens unstaked so I could keep an eye on what the RMaaS models wanted to do. And am I glad I did.
I left about 100 unstaked in my exchange account so I could observe if RMaaS started selling. The models started selling ADA on the 6th of September. so I unstaked all my coins and the models pulled out into USD the next day at an average price of $2.78.
I don’t have to tell anyone that holds ADA where it is right now. But in case you are not tracking its performance at the time I’m writing this blog it is trading between $1.98 and $2.15.
Personally, I’m very bullish on ADA and given the September milestone for the coin, if I had been making the decision myself I would have been betting on the market going up!
This is just an example how valuable RMaaS is for me. The model is not swayed by opinion or rumour. They observe market behaviour. They take stock of the stresses and volatility in the market and act accordingly. As of right now I am in a position to buy between 25% to 30% more Cardano than I was holding just 2 weeks ago.
Please note that as me writing this at 15:30 BST, the models are still resolutely FLAT so I’m not buying anything right now!
Anyone who hung onto their position all the way down is now puzzling whether they should divest or continue holding the token as it bounces and then continues to fall?
Using RMaaS changes the experience of being a cryptocurrency investor and the anxiety associated with its considerable volatility.
Right now you can set up a free RMaaS account and we’ll even help you set up the API to your exchange. Just email [email protected], let us know what time zone you are in and one of our tech support team will help you get started.
Panxora provides services that professionalise and elevate the crypto ecosystem. Its offerings are built on the back of the team’s experience in technology, blockchain and traditional finance. Its treasury risk management technology and investment proposition offer much-needed support for token projects looking for professional methods to raise funds and manage capital. It also has a hedge fund which trades the crypto markets using proprietary AI-software open to high net worth, professional and institutional investors. Its cryptocurrency exchange provides liquidity for token projects, and its accounting and payments software for crypto simplifies and automates the tracking and clearing of crypto transactions.
From its offices around the world, Panxora is ensuring that crypto asset holders and token founders have the tools they need to build dynamic, professional and profitable businesses.
Media contact for Panxora:
Amna Yousaf,
VP Investment,
[email protected]
+1 345 769 1857