Market Focus – Marcie Terman July 1, 2021

People frequently ask me, if cryptocurrency has increased exponentially over the last 10 years, where are all the millionaires? That millionaires have been minted by HODLing crypto is undebatable, but do you wonder why aren’t there more of them around?
It must be easy, right? Buy and hold on for the ride. But in fact, this is deceptive. It looks easy when viewed through the lens of 20/20 hindsight. In the moment when you are looking for an entry point, we are beset with doubts. If you buy in now and the market falls, you are immediately in the red. So instead of buying AAVE, you switch your phone to a food delivery app and buy dinner.
Conversely, if you have a long position and the market starts falling the urge to close the position wars with the heartfelt belief that you should not close the position because you know that will crystallise the loss.
Depending on which researcher you follow the consensus is that between 70 and 90% of traders lose money and stop trading within 2 years. This is impacted by market conditions when someone starts trading. (If a ham sandwich started trading crypto in January 2019 it made money.)
Trading is a full-time job. So for the 99% of us that cannot spend time glued to our laptops, if the goal is to ‘make money’ and I mean really make REAL MONEY you have to find a way to pull as much value out of the market as you possibly can.
I run the RMaaS hedging software on my private exchange account and right now, the market is behaving like San Francisco’s famous Lombard Street. The models are laying low hedged in USD and I’m quite comfortable with that decision.
My bitcoin were sold at $52,000 – $55,000 and when the models buy back in, I know it will be at a substantial discount. 20%, 25% or even 30% cheaper than where they sold. Repeat that over a year or two and year or two and you start to see a significant growth in the number of bitcoin held in an account.
There’s more information on the service on this page – Panxora’s RMaaS service. or email me at [email protected] or call Panxora’s Office at +1 345 769 1857 to discuss how simple it is to have this set up on your exchange account. I look forward to hearing from you and in the meantime connect with me on LinkedIn?
Panxora provides services that professionalise and elevate the crypto ecosystem. Its offerings are built on the back of the team’s experience in technology, blockchain and traditional finance. Its treasury risk management technology and investment proposition offer much-needed support for token projects looking for professional methods to raise funds and manage capital. It also has a hedge fund which trades the crypto markets using proprietary AI-software open to high net worth, professional and institutional investors. Its cryptocurrency exchange provides liquidity for token projects, and its accounting and payments software for crypto simplifies and automates the tracking and clearing of crypto transactions.
From its offices around the world, Panxora is ensuring that crypto asset holders and token founders have the tools they need to build dynamic, professional and profitable businesses.
Media contact for Panxora:
Amna Yousaf,
VP Investment,
[email protected]
+1 345 769 1857