News & Insights
Market Focus – Marcie Terman June 2021
With triple and sometimes quadruple profits, decentralised finance is a potentially lucrative, highly volatile market that has captured the attention of cryptocurrency traders worldwide.
5 Essential Tips to Investing in DeFi Protocols
With triple and sometimes quadruple profits, decentralised finance is a potentially lucrative, highly volatile market that has captured the attention of cryptocurrency traders worldwide.
Cryptocurrency Hedging Comparison: Crypto-Options vs Dynamic Hedging
Video of the analysis report on how to hedge crypto positions delivered by Panxora’s Chief Executive and risk management expert Gavin Smith.
2020 – Year of Divergence. How will 2021 turn out?
What a year! 2020 will be seen, in hindsight, as a watershed year in the cryptocurrency space. For the first time we have seen genuine divergence in the performance of different sectors of the marketplace. The often-cited criticism that cryptocurrencies do not constitute a real sector because they all move together has been well and truly quashed.
Gold – 0, Bitcoin – 1 Is bitcoin the best hedge against quantitative easing?
What if instead of searching and researching for just the right token investment, making a profitable decision was as easy as ticking a box and writing a cheque.
Learn how to turbocharge your crypto investments
What if instead of searching and researching for just the right token investment, making a profitable decision was as easy as ticking a box and writing a cheque.
Panxora launches hedge fund to provide investors with access to DeFi Market
Licensed fund manager, The Panxora Group, announces that starting today they are accepting subscriptions for the launch of a quantitative hedge fund designed to generate profits from the rapidly growing decentralized finance or (DeFi) token market that will start trading on Monday, November 2, 2020.
Revitalising the token market
With interest rates near zero and fears that whipsawing stock markets are set for further plunges, many investors are turning to alternative markets in the search for returns. Money flowing into cryptocurrency hedge funds is at all-time highs, but that capital is not trickling down into new token projects. Why?
With bank interest at zero, what about bitcoin?
In these days when a £10,000 bank deposit yields an interest rate of just £1 per year, why would anyone leave their hard earned money in a bank? LBC’s Nick Ferrari interviews Panxora CEO Gavin Smith about what part bitcoin should play in the modern portfolio.
Panxora backs ClinTex to provide faster access to medicines
Collaboration lets ClinTex take advantage of Panxora’s treasury management offering to strategically manage raised funds.